Our partners

European Union

The European Commission's International Partnerships co-funds SOS African Wildlife, which protects key threatened African species while supporting communities whose lives are deeply connected to the same landscapes and habitats.

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German Cooperation and KfW

German Cooperation via KfW

The Tiger Programme will run until 2024 and is funded by The German Cooperation via KfW Development Bank. It is part of a global effort to double tiger numbers in the wild by 2022.

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La Prairie

La Prairie

La Prairie Group funds an initiative which aims to protect and restore the freshwater habitat of threatened sturgeon species, while positively impacting the livelihoods of local communities.

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Lacoste SA has collaborated with IUCN Save Our Species since 2018 on a three-year partnership to increase global awareness and support conservation action for iconic but Critically Endangered species.

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Coq en Pâte

Coq en Pâte

Coq en Pâte Editions has supported IUCN Save Our Species since 2015 through the sale of specially designed children's apparel available in more than 400 outlets worldwide, including many zoos and aquaria, as well as via their official website.

Fondation Segré

Fondation Segré

The Fondation Segré Conservation Action Fund, running from 2021 to 2026, focuses on threatened species and their habitats across Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East.

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Fondation Iris

Fondation Iris

Fondation Iris, whose mission is to “help to safeguard the fragile beauty of the world", is funding a special lemur conservation project.

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