Indri sitting in tree
Image credit: Rio Heriniaina

Strengthening the Capacity of Local Communities to Protect Lemurs

2019 - 2022
Species protected
Indri Indri indri
Southern Ruffed Lemur Varecia variegata ssp. editorum
Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur Allocebus trichotis

Project objectives

The project hopes to have increased the level of knowledge and skills around conservation by August 2022. They will also have a better understanding of the density and abundance of each target species from the data collected through surveys. The introduction of community based initiatives, such as beekeeping, will help create new sources of income for the local area.

Finally, the project hopes to reduce pressure on the target species by at least 70% before the end of the project.

This project is implemented by Organisation Non Gouvernementale de l’Association des Guides d’Andasibe.


Habitat loss & degradation

Over-exploitation of natural resources & prey depletion
