Strengthening Protection and Habitat Management for the Critically Endangered Javan Rhino
2013 - 2015
Species protected
Javan Rhinoceros
Rhinoceros sondaicus
Javan Banteng
Bos javanicus
Project objectives
- Patrols are expected to prevent rhino poaching, while reducing other illegal human activities in UKNP by over 60%;
- The habitat restoration activities should lead to a significant increase in both distribution and numbers of Javan Rhinos as well as benefit the Banteng. Prior experiments removing Arenga palm in selected areas within the JRSCA have indeed produced very encouraging results, as at least six rhinos were observed utilizing the newly restored areas, compared to only two prior to the pilot project’s onset;
- Monitoring activities will also provide wildlife conservationists with a better understanding of the species’ ecology and behaviour.
This project is implemented by International Rhino Foundation.

Habitat loss & degradation