Supporting trans-boundary tiger recovery in India and Nepal – Phase II
2021 - 2023
India, Nepal
Species protected
Panthera tigris
This project is the continuation of the ITHCP Phase I project Supporting trans-boundary tiger recovery in India and Nepal, which was implemented between 2016and 2019.
The project covers five protected areas of the Terai Arc Landscape and their buffer zone communities.
Overall objective
To maintain the viability of the tiger meta-population in the Terai Arc Landscape, supporting the sustainable development of local communities and promoting positive human-wildlife coexistence.

Human-wildlife conflict

Over-exploitation of natural resources & prey depletion

Project activities
- Strengthen protected area management effectiveness and support tiger and prey-base monitoring;
- Support effective grassland and waterhole management;
- Establish human-wildlife co-existence cooperatives and quick-relief mechanisms to compensate victims of human-wildlife conflict;
- Establish livelihood cooperatives and deliver training programmes to promote sustainable livelihood options;
- Strengthen participatory management of natural resources.
This project is implemented by the Zoological Society of London.