Learning alternative livelihoods and agricultural techniques

Learning Alternative Livelihoods and Agricultural Techniques for Lemur Conservation

2015 - 2017
Species protected
Indri Indri indri
Diademed Sifaka Propithecus diadema

Project objectives

Throughout the project period, the project team will work closely with the media, especially the radio in Moramanga district. This is an opportunity for the youths to talk about their initiatives to a wide range of audience, hence increasing their pride for it. The more pride they have in the initiatives, the more likely they are to continue implementing them in the future.

This project will also allow the wider audience to know about Mangabe protected area. The approach adopted in this project could be replicated and improved in Mangabe and other areas in the future.

This project is implemented by Madagasikara Voakajy.


Habitat loss & degradation
